Source code for eth_defi.balances

"""Token holding and portfolio for addresses."""
import logging
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Dict, Optional, Set, Literal

import requests.exceptions
from eth_typing import BlockNumber, HexAddress
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract
from web3.exceptions import BadFunctionCallOutput
from web3.types import BlockIdentifier

from eth_defi.abi import get_contract, get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.event import fetch_all_events
from eth_defi.provider.broken_provider import get_almost_latest_block_number
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class DecimalisedHolding: """A helper class to represent token holdings. Exposes the underlying decimals the ERC-20 wants to express. """ value: Decimal decimals: int contract: Contract
[docs]class BalanceFetchFailed(Exception): """Could not read balances for an address. Usually this means that you tried to read balances for an address with too many transactions and the underlying GoEthereun node craps out. """
[docs]def fetch_erc20_balances_by_transfer_event( web3: Web3, owner: HexAddress, from_block: Optional[int] = 1, last_block_num: Optional[BlockNumber] = None, ) -> Dict[HexAddress, int]: """Get all current holdings of an account. We attempt to build a list of token holdings by analysing incoming ERC-20 Transfer events to a wallet. The blockchain native currency like `ETH` or `MATIC` is not included in the analysis, because native currency transfers do not generate events. We are not doing any throttling: If you ask for too many events once this function and your Ethereum node are likely to blow up. .. note :: Because the limitations of GoEthereum, this method is likely to fail on public JSON-RPC nodes for blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and others. E.g. BSC nodes will fail with `{'code': -32000, 'message': 'exceed maximum block range: 5000'}`. Even if the nodes don't directly fail, their JSON-RPC APIs are likely to timeout. Example: .. code-block:: python # Load up the user with some tokens usdc.functions.transfer(user_1, 500).transact({"from": deployer}) aave.functions.transfer(user_1, 200).transact({"from": deployer}) balances = fetch_erc20_balances(web3, user_1) assert balances[usdc.address] == 500 assert balances[aave.address] == 200 :param web3: Web3 instance :param owner: The address we are analysis :param from_block: As passed to eth_getLogs :param last_block_num: Set to the last block, inclusive, if you want to have an analysis of in a point of history. :return: Map of (token address, amount) """ IERC20 = get_contract(web3, "sushi/IERC20.json") Transfer = balances = Counter() # # TODO: We are not iterating over the Transfer() events in historical order - # though this should not cause difference in the end balances # try: # Iterate over all ERC-20 transfer events to the address for transfer in fetch_all_events(web3, Transfer, argument_filters={"to": owner}, to_block=last_block_num, from_block=from_block): # transfer is AttributeDict({'args': AttributeDict({'from': '0x7E5F4552091A69125d5DfCb7b8C2659029395Bdf', 'to': '0x2B5AD5c4795c026514f8317c7a215E218DcCD6cF', 'value': 200}), 'event': 'Transfer', 'logIndex': 0, 'transactionIndex': 0, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0xd3fef67dbded34f1f7b2ec5217e5dfd5e4d9ad0fda66a8da925722f1e62518c8'), 'address': '0x2946259E0334f33A064106302415aD3391BeD384', 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x55618d13d644f35a8639671561c2f9a93958eae055c754531b124735f92b429b'), 'blockNumber': 4}) erc20_smart_contract = transfer["address"] value = transfer["args"]["value"] balances[erc20_smart_contract] += value for transfer in fetch_all_events(web3, Transfer, argument_filters={"from": owner}, to_block=last_block_num, from_block=from_block): erc20_smart_contract = transfer["address"] value = transfer["args"]["value"] balances[erc20_smart_contract] -= value return balances except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e: raise BalanceFetchFailed(f"Could not read Transfer() events for an address {owner} - fetch_erc20_balances() only works with addresses with small amount of transfers") from e
[docs]def fetch_erc20_balances_by_token_list( web3: Web3, owner: HexAddress, tokens: Set[HexAddress | str], block_identifier: BlockIdentifier = None, decimalise=False, ) -> Dict[HexAddress | str, int | Decimal]: """Get all current holdings of an account for a limited set of ERC-20 tokens. If you know what tokens you are interested in, this method is much more efficient way than :py:func:`fetch_erc20_balances_by_transfer_event` to query token balances. Example: .. code-block:: python def test_portfolio_token_list(web3: Web3, deployer: str, user_1: str, usdc: Contract, aave: Contract): # Create a set of tokens tokens = {aave.address, usdc.address} # Load up the user with some tokens usdc.functions.transfer(user_1, 500).transact({"from": deployer}) aave.functions.transfer(user_1, 200).transact({"from": deployer}) balances = fetch_erc20_balances_by_token_list(web3, user_1, tokens) assert balances[usdc.address] == 500 assert balances[aave.address] == 200 :param tokens: ERC-20 list :param block_identifier: Fetch at specific height :param decimalise: If ``True``, convert output amounts to humanised format in Python :py:class:`Decimal`. Use cached :py:class:`TokenDetails` data. :raise BalanceFetchFailed: When you give a non-ERC-20 contract as a token. """ if block_identifier is None: block_identifier = get_almost_latest_block_number(web3) last_block = web3.eth.block_number"Reading token balances for {len(tokens)} tokens at block {block_identifier}, last block is {last_block}") balances = {} for address in tokens: erc_20 = get_deployed_contract(web3, "sushi/IERC20.json", address) try: raw_amount = erc_20.functions.balanceOf(owner).call(block_identifier=block_identifier) if decimalise: token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, address) balances[address] = token.convert_to_decimals(raw_amount) else: balances[address] = raw_amount except BadFunctionCallOutput as e: raise BalanceFetchFailed(f"Could not get ERC-20 {address} balance for {owner}") from e return balances
[docs]def convert_balances_to_decimal( web3, raw_balances: Dict[HexAddress | str, int], require_decimals=True, ) -> Dict[HexAddress, DecimalisedHolding]: """Convert mapping of ERC-20 holdings to decimals. Issues a JSON-RPC call to fetch token data for each ERC-20 in the input dictionary. Example: .. code-block:: python raw_balances = fetch_erc20_balances_by_token_list(web3, address, tokens) return convert_balances_to_decimal(web3, raw_balances) :param raw_balances: Token address -> uint256 mappings :param require_decimals: Safety check to ensure ERC-20 tokens have valid decimals set. Prevents some wrong addresses and broken tokens. :return: Token address -> `DecimalisedHolding` mappings """ # decimals() is not part of core ERC-20 interface, # use OpenZeppein contract here ERC20 = get_contract(web3, "ERC20MockDecimals.json") res = {} for address, raw_balance in raw_balances.items(): contract = ERC20(address) decimals = contract.functions.decimals().call() if require_decimals: assert decimals > 0, f"ERC20.decimals() did not return a good value: {address}" res[address] = DecimalisedHolding(Decimal(raw_balance) / Decimal(10**decimals), decimals, contract) return res